Lee Radziwill: an american Socialite

Oggi vi porto negli anni sessanta e più precisamente alla corte di Lee Radziwill, colei che per oltre mezzo secolo, in un valzer di feste, flash, matrimoni e funerali, ha dominato le cronache mondane insieme alla sorella Jackie Kennedy-Onassis.
Socialite per antonomasia e padrona del jet-set, la principessa Radziwill è stata una delle traghettatrici dell’alta società durante la travolgente ondata sociale che a partire dagli anni sessanta mutò per sempre le mode ed il costume .
Sobria ed elegante, la Radziwill è stata un’ineccepibile maestra di stile, capace di conservare l’allure della belle époque nella nascente società post bellica.
Esile e longilinea è stata musa di stilisti e artisti che, ammaliati dall’atipicità della sua bellezza, le hanno donato l’eternità trasformandola in arte.

Today I’m taking you back to the ’60s, at the court of Lee Radziwill,  that for more than fifty years, in a twirl of parties, marriages and funerals ruled supreme the covers of the magazines from all over the world with her sister Jackie Kennedy-Onassis.
“Socialite” par excellence and owner of the jet-set, the Radziwill princess has been one of the main figures in the change – starting from the sixties- of fashion and customs. Sober and elegant, Ms. Radziwill has been a great master of style, able to preserve the allure from the belle epoque, in the new born post-war society. Slender and long-limbed she’s been the muse of many artists and stylists, who, struck by her peculiar beauty, made her eternal turning her into art.

wtih love, Elena

Jacqueline Onassis and Princess Lee Radziwill Princess Lee Radziwill Pictured With Her Husband Prince Stanislaus Radziwell. . Rexmailpix. 010_Lee Radziwill-Nicole Kidman-I TODs LR-MJ-BJ-by-PB.tif 17well-lee-custom2 6 NYR_2809_0098 12c3f3cd206aaa169b430cbccf30c9e6 17well-lee-custom12 truman-capote-lee-radziwill-1967 11 tumblr_loln40AKc31qa8y6to1_1280 slide_242093_1313097_free 019-lee-radziwill-theredlist 07memories-lee-tmagArticle 543fda943a932_-_80273241_10 022-lee-radziwill-theredlist064-lee-radziwill-theredlist 063-capote-tribe-theredlist  d95e2cfc9608aa5cba2b4ed50bfa43e0

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